Human Trafficking
Instructor Information
Dr. Suman KakarMy name : SHauntavia Rice
No citations because I wrote it The person that I interviewed is a 30 year old female by the name of Asia Singleton. She is in the criminal justice field a correction officer at the Homestead Facility. Employed there for about 2 years .Asia plans on transitioning to a police officer in the the next few months ,to be more aware and involved in this horrible cime ring. The mother of a 8 year old little girl. I begin my interview by asking Asia who she thought were most victims of human trafficking and she said people of all ages. Asia’s perspective on human trafficking is that people are forced in to this type of life. I think human trafficking is at its worst. So maybe if more job opportunities opened up people would not be so desperate to take jobs across the world that turns out its not a real job and now they are forced in to human trafficking because what they thought was a better life was all false. With assistance from anti trafficking organization we can spread more awareness about this horrible crime. Provide more and better paying jobs so people, won’t be so desperate and then end up in horrible situations such as Human trafficking.
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