Letter of Admission

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123 Sample Street

Toronto, Canada

enteremail@example.comTelephone Number

March 8, 2021.

Dr. Enter Name Here

College of _______

Enter Full University Name


Subject: Request for Admission for Summer Session

Dear Dr. ___________,

I am writing to request an admission for Summer Session. Due to some unforeseen circumstances relating to the COVID-19 situation, I am missing 4 units and currently taking General Education classes to make up for these missing units. My intention is to graduate on time during the Summer First Session 2021. As a result, I further seeking any deferral opportunity available this year. I would gladly welcome the opportunity to join the classes that start in Columbia University towards accomplishing the aforementioned. I have enclosed a copy of my transcripts and a letter from the Dean regarding the missing marks.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my request. I am available for any questions about my request and all related issue son phone or email. Looking forward to an engagement with you on this matter.


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