system for GGC students

Brainstorming ideas for new information system for GGC students

List your ideas here.

System Request Form

Project Name:

2.1 Why is the system needed?

Business Need: Describe why GGC students need this system

Functionality: Describe the functionality requested

2.2 Technical Feasibility: Can We Build It?

Does GGC have a similar system where IT staff could leverage existing knowledge? If yes, what is it? If not, what tools, software, hardware, or other resources will be required?

Application(s)/Software Needed

Hardware Technologies Needed

Other resources required

Project Size (estimate how many students or faculty it will impact)

2.3 Organizational Feasibility: If We Build It, Will They Come?

Project Champion(s) Who is (or should be) championing this project? This means who would you go to if you wanted to actually present this idea?

Users Who (specifically) will be using this system?

Other Stakeholders What is the impact on other stakeholders (people who are impacted – for better or worse – by the system you are proposing)?

2.4 Summary:

Overall, what are the biggest benefits for this GGC implementing this system?


3.1 Expected Value: What Value does it provide?

Tangible: Value that can be easily measured

Intangible: Value that cannot be easily measured

Special Issues or Constraints: What special issues or constraints will need to be considered?

3.2 Economic Feasibility: Should We Build It?

What economic constraints (and benefits) must be considered?

Annual Benefits (Cost Savings and Revenues) (best guess estimates)

Intangible Costs and Benefits


Data Needed?

What data will you require users to input?


What other data would be required to be stored in the database?


Input Screens

What would the input screen(s) look like? Draw them here. You can use drawing tools in MS Word or use Excel or Powerpoint or to do a mockup.

Output Screens

What would the output screen(s) look like? Draw them here. You can use drawing tools in MS Word or use Excel or Powerpoint or to do a mockup.

Output / Reports / Printouts

What would output reports look like? Draw them here. You can use drawing tools in MS Word or use Excel or Powerpoint or to do a mockup.

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