thank you Letter to Professor

Dear Professor,

I’m writing this letter to thank you and also with the hope to get a recommendation letter from you.

My name is Sharonda Alexander, and I am currently Junior at University of Houston pursuing my Bachelor of Science Degree in Human Resources Development.

You have been a part of several successful studies and I would be very much interested to be a part of a team working on something very important. From the classes and sessions we have had together, I believe that you are the one who knows me better on scholarly level. You were very strict on me from my occasional late papers to my awkward reporting as a young, irresponsible sophomore. You pushed me to the better in both life and education. Your refusal to discount me as a slacker modeled me into a real Human Resources Specialist and a responsible person. Throughout the course, you watched me grow and all my success is credited from your uncompromising standards and very high expectations. My concise, professionalism in Human Resources and integrity you installed in me will make for some entertaining and informative future.

For the years I spent at the University, the time was so invaluable. I considered you my homeroom teacher, from my first year in college and now. I consider you not only a teacher but a mentor, and a friend. I so much thank you for pushing me beyond the expectations of me and also for helping me succeed academically.

Best Regards,Name of student

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