Is your service confidential?

When you place an order with our company, we ask you to provide us with such personal information as your name, phone number, and email address. We need this data to keep you updated on the important things related to your order or account.

Please note that our support team may contact you using only the phone number(s) stated on our website, such as 1-866-361-0563 . In order to secure our mutual cooperation, please do not communicate with those who introduce themselves as support staff and reach you from different phone numbers.

Also remember that we never ask you to provide your credit card information via phone conversations. You should enter this information only on appropriate billing form when making an online payment on our website. The support administrator will send a confirmation letter to your personal account when your payment is received.

We use a secure encrypted connection and do not store your private data if we do not need it anymore. For more details about how we ensure your confidentiality, check our Privacy Policy, which completely complies with the GDPR.

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